Sermons in: Resurrection.+methodist
We will testify and proclaim the good news of Jesus.
Jesus's death on the cross purchased our salvation.
Palm Sunday turns the tone from solemn to surreal it is Jesus, the...
The death of Jesus showed us the love of God is not mere sentiment but...
There is joy walking hand in hand with the mournful notions of the...
To find ourselves with Christ, we must focus on Christ.
God's mercy ought to be a point of change for us; if we experience the...
Job Speaks
After this, Job opened his mouth and cursed the day of his...
Jesus is the fullness of God in human form. Any aspect of holiness that...
Being holy as God is holy means accepting that our best won't be good...
The follower of Christ does not continue to live as before. Instead, we...
God calls Moses to return to Egypt as one set apart to do God’s...