Buy Hymnal for All God’s People

Every Sunday, 10:00 AM - 11:00 AM

Cost: $35.00

Contact: Phil Reeves

Hymnal Purchases for $35 - 25% discount
1. We will be taking prepaid only orders for $35 per hymnal before and after church at least through Sunday March 26.
2. The individual can order as many hymnals as they would like.
 3. We will accept cash or checks for the orders but no credit cards. Checks should be made to Resurrection Church.
4. The individual will be notified by email when the hymnal(s) has arrived.
5. Hymnal pickup will be available before and after church until all hymnals have been distributed.
6. Hymnal dedication will be at a later date.
Phone: 281-352-1026

Our Great Redeemer’s Praise: A Hymnal for All God’s People

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