by Global Methodist Church on October 17, 2024

The Convening Conference of the Global Methodist Church (GMC) has instructed the Global Episcopacy Committee (GEC) to assign those elected as bishops to serve the various annual conferences. In a spirit of transparency and good will, the GEC offers this statement to illumine the values and principles that are guiding the process of assigning bishops. The GEC invites the prayers of the global church for wisdom as we seek to honor God the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit in our work. The following values and principles only apply to the assignment of bishops from 2024–2026. The assignment of bishops in 2026 and beyond will be governed by ¶504 in the Book of Doctrines and Discipline (2024).

1. While the practice of bishops serving as general superintendents of the whole church is historically rooted in earlier periods of Methodist history, we recognize that this model is significantly different from the assignment of residential bishops within the bounds of each annual conference, a model to which many of us have been accustomed. The general superintendency is new to us; consequently, we humbly expect the interim period to be a learning opportunity. We recognize that our work is a contribution to the early stages of the GMC, and we are reminded that “unless the Lord builds the house, the builders labor in vain” (Psalm 127:1). We, therefore, endeavor to be attentive to the leading of the Holy Spirit in all our work, and we recognize the likelihood that it may become necessary to make adjustments along the way as we grow in our understanding of this newly adopted episcopal model.

2. We value healthy transparency and good communication with the global church and will endeavor to release statements through GMC Office of Communications to keep the global church informed about our work. At the same time, because the GEC is charged with matters of personnel and human resources, much of our work will deal with sensitive information that must remain confidential. Our hope is to cultivate trust by holding in balance these values of appropriate transparency when possible and essential confidentiality when necessary. We welcome the prayers of the global church for wisdom in this matter.

3. We recognize that different persons have different giftings for leadership, and that different annual conferences have different needs. We also recognize that general superintendents are elected to serve as bishops of the whole global church. This means that any bishop should be adept enough as a leader to discern the leadership needs of any annual conference and meet those needs appropriately.

4. Bishops will not normally be assigned to the conference from which they were elected, nor will they be assigned to a conference in which they hold an appointment. However, if there are extenuating circumstances, a bishop may be assigned to the conference from which they were elected for the flourishing of the mission.

5. During the interim period, it is likely that bishops will not be assigned to adjacent annual conferences. This emphasizes the traveling nature of the general superintendency and avoids the perception of unofficial episcopal areas. However, if there are extenuating circumstances, bishops may be assigned to geographically contiguous conferences.

6. Each annual conference has been asked to provide a list of preferred bishops for assignment. While these statements of preference will be prayerfully considered by the GEC, it may not be possible for all conferences to receive a preferred bishop. Many factors will be considered in the making of episcopal assignments, and the GEC is confident that with the quality of the bishops elected, each annual conference will be well served by whomever is assigned to their respective conference.

7. Acknowledging the reality of our own fallenness and frailty, the members of the GEC commit to striving, in all we do, to discern the will of the triune God. As servants of our Lord and of you, we resolve together to work in a spirit of grace seeking always and in all things to “encourage one another and build each other up” (1 Thessalonians 5:11).

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