The Challenges and Joys of Sharing the Faith with Children and Teenagers

by Global Methodist Church on August 28, 2024

There is universal agreement in the Global Methodist Church that passing down the good news of Jesus Christ to children and teenagers is one of the Church’s highest responsibilities. And it is also widely acknowledged that the challenges facing it are deep and diverse when it comes to fulfilling that responsibility.

In central and eastern Europe, small GM local churches are trying to build solid foundations after decades of Communist rule when they were nearly driven to extinction. Local churches with diminished resources in rural communities and inner cities in the United States are struggling to attract and retain young families. And in a number of countries in Africa, local churches face heartbreaking decisions as they try to find ways to minister to children and teens in very difficult conditions.

Recently, three regional leaders shared their observations on the immense challenges local churches face as they seek to disciple children and teens, and then a professor in Christian Discipleship offered some practical advice for addressing them.

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