Parting Words

by Global Methodist Church on September 18, 2024

My tenure as Transitional Connectional Officer of the Global Methodist Church draws to a close at the adjournment of the convening General Conference on September 26. The past seven-and-one-half years, first as president of the Wesleyan Covenant Association and then as the leader of the GM Church, have been a daily revelation of the presence of God, His grace, and His providence. I have never felt adequate to the task. Although God has blessed me with gifts and abilities, I always knew I was not up to the task unless my gifts and abilities were accompanied by the work of the Holy Spirit. My desperate daily prayer has been for God to accomplish His purposes in me, through me, and even despite me. And God has answered that prayer every single day. He gets the glory for all that has occurred.

God has raised up leaders globally who, often without compensation and while continuing to perform other responsibilities, have helped form and lead annual conferences. Stirred by our mission to make disciples of Jesus Christ who worship passionately, love extravagantly, and witness boldly, countless clergy and laity navigated significant challenges, leading their churches to become congregations of the Global Methodist Church. Their path was uphill – with mounting financial costs and obstacles erected by others. However, their commitment to be part of a church that proclaims the whole Gospel of Jesus Christ as entrusted to us by the apostles and early church is resolute. We are a coalition of the willing. Each of us has chosen to be Global Methodists.

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