Global Methodist Church’s Transitional Leadership Council Looks Forward to Transition

by Global Methodist Church on August 21, 2024

“Don’t get me wrong, it has been a great privilege to serve the Global Methodist Church during its transitional season, but I’ll be very happy when we can retire that word ‘transitional,’” said Cara Nicklas, chairwoman of the GM Church’s Transitional Leadership Council (TLC). “Of necessity, every council, commission, our governing document, and even some of our staff members, have been called ‘the transitional this’ or ‘the transitional that,’ but praise the Lord, in a matter of months the term will be transitioned out of existence!”

Created in early March 2020, the TLC has served as the GM Church’s general decision-making body prior to and ever since the denomination’s launch on May 1, 2022. Originally intended to function for just six to twelve months, the Covid pandemic and the repeated postponements of The United Methodist Church’s 2020 General Conference kept it in existence far longer than its members ever imagined.

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