Convening General Conference Enters Full Plenary Mode on the Fourth Day

by Global Methodist Church on September 25, 2024

The fourth day of the Global Methodist Church’s convening General Conference saw the assembly fully immersed in plenary sessions, with the exception of one legislative committee that wrapped up its work later in the day. The morning began with a powerful devotion led by the Rev. Keihwan Ryoo, setting a tone of prayer and reflection as delegates embarked on a day filled with decision-making and deliberations.

Throughout the morning, the body heard reports and voted on consent agendas and petitions from several legislative committees, including Connectional Organization, Episcopacy and Superintendency, Financial Administration, and Ministry and the Local Church. Delegates gathered with their annual conference delegations took time to break away, praying and conferring amongst themselves regarding the election of members to various connectional commissions and councils.

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