Advance GM Church's Mission: Nominations for Connectional Commissions Due August 6

July 11, 2024

A core value of the GlobalMethodist Church is to reduce the institutional footprint of the general church. Such an approach ensures that more financial resources remain at the congregational level, enabling local churches to respond to ministry needs in their mission fields. Additionally, members of local churches are encouraged to have greater ownership and involvement in the ministry and mission of the church globally.

Since late March 2020, when the idea of a Global Methodist Church was first conceived, the nascent denomination has been governed by the Transitional Leadership Council (TLC). The TLC has stewarded the development of the Church during its transitional period; it will continue its role through December 31, 2024.

However, during the GM Church’s convening General Conference in San Jose, Costa Rica, September 20-26, 2024, the denomination will adopt an entirely new general church organization to become effective by January 1, 2025, and the TLC’s service will come to an end. 

Legislation proposed by the TLC would create a Connectional Council to be the chief missional and administrative body between the GM Church’s General Conferences. The Connectional Council would be composed of 24 persons. A small general church staff, serving under the leadership of the Connectional Operations Officer, Rev. Mike Schafer, would support a limited number of general church Connectional Commissions. Members of the Connectional Commissions would not be compensated. The GM Church will have no boards and agencies.


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