Resurrection Students devotional

Welcome to our Student Devotional Page! Here you will find a weekly devotional series that ties into the series we are studying at both High School and Junior High Bible Studies. Be sure to bookmark this page and check back each Monday as we will update you with a full week’s worth of daily devotionals.

WEEK 3 – Potential

Day 1: Hebrews 10:24

Have you ever thought about how much the conversations your friends are having affect you? In high school, I remember my friends complaining so much about one assignment that I felt like I couldn’t be excited, even though I was. I realized that the mentality of wanting to be included or relatable surpassed my authentic feelings and words. They ended up not making a good grade on the project, and honestly, I think mine would’ve been better if I’d followed how I felt. Instead of letting them in- fluence me, I wish I would’ve influenced them and helped them rise to the occasion.

Today, pay attention to the conversations happening around you and whether they are encouraging and uplifting or not. Then, live as someone who chooses to be a part of the positive!
Day 2: Galatians 6:2

Have you heard the quote, “Your network is your net worth”? We probably don’t always think about the people around us impacting our future success, but it makes sense! The people you choose to be around inform so many thoughts and decisions that it’s important to choose those people carefully. Are they dreaming with you and making steps toward positive goals? Imagine how much more fun and powerful it’d be to go toward life goals together! What can you do today to improve your network?

Today, think about the closest people in your life and if they are pushing you to be the best version of yourself.
Day 3: Proverbs 27:17

Author and Researcher Brené Brown has five names on a sticky note by her computer. She says that when she faces adversity, seeks guidance, or needs encouragement, she turns to those five people. Those are the people whose opinions she cares about and no one else’s. This is her short list of people who matter most to her, who love her, and who motivate her to be the best version of herself. What a powerful focus to have. She’s surrounded herself with people who make her better. Do any names come to mind if you were to make a similar list?

Today, write down a few names of people you can depend on to be there for you and help you when criticism or self-doubt starts to creep in.
Day 4: Ephesians 4:3

Unity is so important for healthy relationships. When your values and priorities align with your crew, you tend to support each other and understand each other in helpful ways. This is why surrounding yourself with people who are also focusing on following Jesus can help you continue to prioritize what He says is best.

Today, talk with your crew about some ways you can help support and encourage each other to live more like Jesus.
Day 5: Proverbs 11:14

Written by Caleb, age 22 from Carbondale, Illinois, USA

In middle school, I did not like my teachers. In my mind, all they did was bore me, favor others, and punish everyone for even the slightest whisper.

I wanted to carry my dislike of teachers into high school. How- ever, that changed after my sophomore English class, which I loved for its unique activities, fun discussions, and wise and caring teacher.

After the class ended, I continued visiting this teacher during office hours, and she soon be- came an invaluable mentor.

As high school continued, I learned from this experience. I started talking to all my teachers, even if I disliked their class- es. Through these conversations, I eventually found new teacher mentors whose words of wisdom I still follow today.

When high school ended, I met with one of these mentors, my old history teacher, because I was worried about college. My history teacher said, “I am not worried about you. Trust in God, and you will be fine.”

Always search for wisdom and new mentors. God puts wise people like teachers and parents in our lives so we learn from them. So, when you need some advice, ask God for a mentor and start talking.

Today, take a moment to think about the mentors in your life. Do you have any? If not, ask God to help you find one.
Day 6: Galatians 5:22-23

What does it mean to be the best version of yourself? If you had to make a list, what would it include? Would you list things like love, joy, and peace? Paul tells us that God’s Spirit helps us live lives full of some great things. Following Jesus is the key to living life the way God created you to live. This is why it’s so important to have people in your life that encourage you to follow Jesus every day.

Today, write out what it means to be the best version of your- self and then ask someone you trust to remind you regularly of your list.
Day 7: Romans 12:2

One of the best ways to memorize Scripture is by setting an alarm as a reminder to say it out loud a few times throughout the day.

Today, set three alarms with this verse as the title or note. When those alarms go off, say the verse out loud as a way to memorize it. Every time you do this, remember that God is there to help you live in the ways God says are best in every area of your life, including your relationships.

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