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Who we are at Resurrection Church.

Who We Are

Resurrection Brings New Life to Katy Methodists

Resurrection Methodist Church is a fitting name for the newest congregation to welcome members into the Global Methodist Church. Resurrection, as it is known, is a new church start congregation meeting at Katy High School in Katy, TX. As with many of the new Global Methodist Church starts, Resurrection claims a strong heritage of former United Methodists who have left their former congregations to join in the new Global Methodist Church movement. After First United Methodist Church, Katy failed to reach the threshold of 66% at a congregational vote to disaffiliate, three individuals (Trey Morgan, Eric Paulsen and Wayne Hooks) answered the call to start a new congregation of the GMC here in the Katy area.

But Resurrection is more than a group disgruntled with the failed disaffiliation vote. The congregation is dedicated to the strong, evangelical tenets that are one of the bulwarks of the Global Methodist Church. The congregation is dedicated to sharing the gospel and leading people into new life in Jesus Christ. At their initial informational meeting, nearly 200 were in attendance. While many of these were former members at First United Methodist, the crowd also included many from other area United Methodist congregations who also did not disaffiliate. It was at that point that the leadership were affirmed in their calling and knew they could not delay their start of a new congregation. By the time they held their first worship service the crowd had grown to over 300, exceeding even the wildest hopes of all the leadership.

Sunday, February 5, was the historic first day of joining at Resurrection Methodist Church. President Pro Tempore of the Eastern Texas Conference, Rev. Jim Welch, helped the pastoral staff welcome in 335 members as founding members of Resurrection. This group of members continued to meet together in worship in preparation for their official public launch before Easter Sunday of 2023. Resurrection Methodist Church continues to grow as they gather with like-minded Christians who are seeking to share Jesus Christ and discover the new life that Jesus offers.

We Are Family

Supported by fervent prayers, faithful discernment, and a sure hope for the future, the Global Methodist Church is a Holy Spirit inspired movement. We joyfully share its mission and vision with you. We invite you to learn more about us, and to plan to join brothers and sisters around the world for a bright and bold new future!


Join us for music led by Will and Dani Freeman as we worship our Lord Jesus Christ in spirit and in truth. At Resurrection we joyfully celebrate the Living God, seeking to bring praise and honor to His name. Let everything with breath praise the Lord.

New Here?

Resurrection Katy is the first Global Methodist Church to serve the Katy and surrounding communities. We are in Katy High School, 6331 Hwy Blvd, Katy, TX 77494 United States, and our Mailing address is 722 Pin Oak Rd. Suite 206 , Katy, TX 77494.  Join us on Sundays at 10:00 AM for worship, prayer, and a spiritual sermon led by Pastor Howard Huhn. Also, on Sundays at 11:30 AM, join us for our Spanish service with pastor Daniel Hernandez.

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